There are a number of designs for PIC programmers on the net, and many use the parallel or serial ports from your computer. However that also moves the problem back into your computer in that you need to drive those programmers with software (NOT necessarily the MPLABx or similar IDEs - they expect to talk to to a PicKit or ICD type programmer).
It can be done but is:
1) tedious in the extreme to build the hardware and then create the required software
2) very unreliable in that you have no idea where the problems might be if the device does not program
3) modern computers tend not to have parallel and serial ports on them - it is all USB these days - and many of the circuits state they do not work with USB to Serial converters
Unless you buy large quantities from Microchip, all of their MCUs come unprogrammed and so you need something to get the first bit of code into them.
I would recommend a PicKit 3 or similar device. They are current devices and therefore supported by Microchip, they can program all of the available MCUs (certainly the PIC18F4550 - and new firmware is released for the newer families of devices as they are released) and they really do not cost a lot (about $50 here in Australia) when compared with the number of times it will be used and the ability to use it when you move to different devices.
Also, do not get hung up on the idea that you need a bootloader. They take up space that will (eventually) limit the size of your application. Using an ICSP (such as the PicKit3) will let you program the entire chip directly from the IDE. Also, you need to make sure that you are using a bootloader that can interact with the IDE directly. Some require a separate program that reads the hex file and loads that but is not integrated into the IDE itself.
There are some bootloaders that also let you debug the code but most are simply programmers. Without the ability to debug your code, life can get very hard very quickly.
(This is from personal experience as I started to build my own as well - nothing really worked and it cost me almost as much to buy the parts for several failed attempts, not to mention hours of my time. I bought a PicKit3 and it immediately worked and let me get on with what I really wanted to do. That was about 5 years ago and I've not looked back.)