microcontroller based billing collector and calculator

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Dec 20, 2010
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microcontroller based billing collector and calculator... i need the source code and circuit 4 it asap! :???:

design and implement a micro-controller based bill calculator installed on a cart. The system is meant to facilitate customers in shopping malls such that by the time a customer reaches the payment counter, his bill is already calculated. The system should work in the manner that whenever the customer places a new item in the cart, the item is identified in some manner, its weight is checked against the standard, normal weight of that particular item and finally price related to that item is added up in the bill. The system works as a corrector too whenever there is a weight mismatch between the item currently placed and its specified weight. In that case, an alarm is triggered and hence customer is prevented from buying a faulty item. You should also design an interface for showing up the cumulative bill, current item name, its weight and price. :-(

anyone plx help me out!! :|

wow, that sounds like a fully commercial system.

You mention checking the weight, goods in a store normally have either rf tags or barcode, weights are not used to measure finished goods, except for raw produce like vegetables, fruits etc.

Kindly explain why it is necessary to measure weight in your system ?

In any case most information regarding the product is stored in the rf tag or in the barcode..


I need microcontroller based energy metering method on how to bill energy consumption,please i need the code and circuit diagrams.

I need microcontroller based energy metering method on how to bill energy consumption,please i need the code and circuit diagrams.

Have seen Microchip's utility metering system in their website. Here is the link,

**broken link removed**

Click on the Energy Metering link, there is a wealth of resources that describe how such a system could be made.

Read the application note AN995, get an idea on what is required to build a system, maybe you could modify the project for your requirement.


as bar code reader is an expensive item and this project is for the students who are just starting to know how to progrmmme a micro controller so rf tags and barcode is an expensive and lengthy code option so yhw weight machine is being used as an alternative

microcontroller based billing collector and calculator... i need the source code and circuit 4 it asap!

design and implement a micro-controller based bill calculator installed on a cart. The system is meant to facilitate customers in shopping malls such that by the time a customer reaches the payment counter, his bill is already calculated. The system should work in the manner that whenever the customer places a new item in the cart, the item is identified in some manner, its weight is checked against the standard, normal weight of that particular item and finally price related to that item is added up in the bill. The system works as a corrector too whenever there is a weight mismatch between the item currently placed and its specified weight. In that case, an alarm is triggered and hence customer is prevented from buying a faulty item. You should also design an interface for showing up the cumulative bill, current item name, its weight and price.

anyone plx help me out!!

I still don't get the idea of measuring weights of goods, anyway here is one solution...

You can install a basket that correctly fits inside the cart, a load cell can be put under the basket. Now the load cell measures the weight of objects put in the basket. The micro-controller can first 'zero' the weight of the basket, increase in weight is added up and decrease is subtracted.

Probably true, have you checked out the actual costs ??

Maybe you could get the customer to enter the product code using a keypad and a digital display attached to the cart.
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