I have the ICD3 and I need to program a 12F683. The thing is, that I really need one extra pin, so I need to use the GP3/MCLR/VPP pin as IO. My question is, can the ICD3 generate 12V on MCLR to program the PIC? I've been through the user guides, but I cannot find this info.
To program that chip the programmer, ICD3 or whatever, applies 12v to Vpp.
If you are doing ICSP then you will need to protect your i/o signal from the 12v vpp from the programmer - dependant on the signal / input or output this may or may not be possible electronicaly.
Attatched is the Pickit2 programmer ICSP diagram / example - here showing how a Mclre Pull up is isolated from Vpp.
The other simpler way may be to have a little manual switch on that pin to isolate your i/o circuitry while programming