microchip hex file format
I would like to use Microchip's C compiler for PIC18F8620, I downloaded
it, and made a simple program, compiled and now i got a .HEX file.
(I assume that it's an 32 bit Intel HEX file)
But I can't use this HEX file with PICALLW 0.15, it says
"Checksum error in hex file!"
it only supports INHX8 and INHX16 hex files.
Anyone have any suggestion how can i convert INHX32 to INHX16?
Microchip uses COFF2HEX (mp2hex.exe) to generate HEX file, but
it knows only INHX8M, INHX8S and INHX32 formats.
Please help, I have a relatively big project to convert from HI-TECH C to Microchip C.
Thanks in advance,