[SOLVED] microblaze implementation on fpga,

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Newbie level 6
Jul 1, 2015
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hi , i want to implement microblaze on fpga , i do the step by step according to this pdf file but only thing i get in an error , does any one know what should i do to make it solved and don't see any error at least in this step ???

Source of hello world tutorial:
**broken link removed**

i get error when i type in tcl consol : Command>microblaze_mcs_data2mem workspace/hello_world/debug/hello_world.elf

and the error is :
microblaze_mcs_data2mem: Found 1 MicroBlaze MCS core.
microblaze_mcs_data2mem: ERROR: Could not find "workspace/hello_world/debug/hello_world.elf". Please make sure the file exists.

it does exist , but i dont know why ise can't just find it ,

if any body knows whats wrong please tell me .


  • Microblaze MCS Tutorial v5_2.pdf
    2.8 MB · Views: 103

There is some confusion about the elf file name in the tutorial. Maybe the command should be "microblaze_mcs_data2mem workspace/hello_world/debug/hello_world_0.elf".
(added "_0" to the elf file name)

Put your elf file in a different dir. and then again try to read it from the new location.
The message clearly says that the file does not exist. That means either the file really doesn't exist OR there is some problem in the dir. path leading to the elf file.
I trust the ISE error message more! ;-)

type pwd in the tcl console, is the workspace directory actually in that current working directory? If not cd to the correct directory that contains the workspace directory or as suggested in post #3 copy the elf file to the directory reported by pwd.
i tried what you said , it doesn't make any Differences , i have no idea what to do . it is making me crazy .
do you have any tutorial that can be useful to me .?

actually it does exist , when i go to the address that i have , the file exists , but i don't know why ise cand find it , do you have something else that yourself tried on fpga with microblaze? maybe it could help me .

i typed what you said to type , i got this message :

its not my workspace , bot i got this message .
i changed the ,elf file but didn't work again .
what now ? got some thing ? any idea ? :/

Based on what you originally posted in #1 the elf file should be in this location.

If it isn't there the create the directory and put it there.

If you don't understand how to work with directories in the OS then you should work at learning that first.

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