Micrium uC/OS-II RTOS for audio application

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Newbie level 1
Mar 30, 2010
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Hi all!

I'm new here but I guess that this is the correct page to post my question. I'm trying to make an application using µC/OS-II RTOS and I am using two timers (OS_TMR)
I set the constant OS_TMR_CFG_TICKS_PER_SEC to 500000 because I need my timers running at around 48kHz but, when I test my application, the timers runs very slow... Do anyone know why?
I found that the "recomended" value for OS_TMR_CFG_TICKS_PER_SEC is 10 (what actually means 10Hz) but doesn't say anything about maximum. Is there any max value permitted?

How can I have two timer tasks every 14µs and 20µs?

Good forum

PS: I hope you can excuse my bad english...

Added after 43 minutes:

As I'm using IAR EWARM I can debug my application and I can see some aspects of the RTOS configuration while is running. What I discovered is that both OS_TMR_EN and OR_TMR_CFG_TICKS_PER_SEC are not defined... It's strange because my timers are running... Can this be part of my problem? Or maybe is a EWARM uC/OS-II plug-in bug?


You have to get the two configurations defined.
I did not work with uCOS-II timers. But AFAIK, the TICKS per second uCOS-II can support are between 10 and 100 Hz. So I believe is not feasible to have a timer working beyond this level.
Amr Ali

hi dear

hi dear
i want to use software timer in uc/os. i find you used it before so i decide to ask you some question about it
1. i want to know how can i stop the timer in ISR because in usermanual said dont use timer function(like ostmrstop) in ISR
2.about OS_TMR_CFG_TICKS_PER_SEC?? i want to set it 200 because i need 5ms time is it possible???

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