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methodoloies of analog sensor data extraction in Cadence virtuoso

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Advanced Member level 5
Advanced Member level 5
Sep 12, 2019
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Hello,I want to simulate in Cadence differential amplification of a mosfet type sensor.
I imagine it as We have one mosfet which is the sensor,the other mosfet which is a reference and we do differential amplifying of them .
I am looking on some article or manual where they actually implement it in cadence.
Ill be happy to have some suggestions.

Th main question ishow do i simulate a transistor as a sensor and how as reference?
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maybe it´s a good idea to tell what attribute of a mosfet you want to "sense" and how...


i want to sense black body radiation :) thermal energy.
I thought to increase gm on the "SENSOR" transistor with respect to the reference,thus we get increased current fromt the "photo electric effect"
Is it a good way to simulate thermal sensor in cadence virtuoso?

A differential detector often starts with a long-tail pair. You can expose the reference transistor to ambient air, and heat (or cool) the other transistor. (It's the same principle as a Wheatstone bridge.)

Calibrate your setup so that equal temperatures on both transistors yields zero reading.

You will not see photoelectric effect from thermal
excitation, until temperature gets -really- high.
Silicon detectors can't be used for MWIR or LWIR.
You would be better off using a biased detector
and measuring junction Vf or channel VT differential
(you know, like a bandgap reference does).

Unless your application -is- super high temperature.
Like approaching red hot (or at least brown-hot).

Resistance of lightly doped regions is another good
(high temperature coefficient) attribute, and can
be Wheatstone-bridged for additional responsivity
(removing the baseline bias voltage offsets from
the sense path, leaving only the difference).

Hello, Is there some cadence virtuoso implementation?

i want to sense black body radiation :) thermal energy.
I thought to increase gm on the "SENSOR" transistor with respect to the reference,thus we get increased current fromt the "photo electric effect"
Is it a good way to simulate thermal sensor in cadence virtuoso?
Very unclear. Are you planning a temperature or a light detector?
Custom light sensors implemented in an analog IC process are typically photo diodes. Although any pn-junction in an IC has a certain photo effect, you want a special geometry to achieve useful sensitivity. Some IC foundries are providing photo diodes, e.g. AMS. Thermal detection needs very high sensitivity, e.g. thermo pile structures. Please clarify what you want to achieve.

Hello FVM, We have voltage from sensor and voltage from reference (blind sensor) i want to create an amplifying unit in cadence virtuoso
Stuff like common mode feedback and intrumental amplifier etc...
An article with schematics and layout.
Is there some article?

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