Member level 1
Platform: Win2k SP4(en), 1GB RAM, 40GB(C Drive), NTFS and anotheR 80GB(NTFS)
First, use Disk_ID_Num as HOSTID gen l!cense.dat and install all products exactly folllow install.txt. When start DC and DCView, errors pop up, say ''Local License Manger read pipe failured'' but ExpPCB works.
Then uninstall WG and reinstall just DC and DCView, it works for first start. After exit it and restart it again, same errors pop up again, furthermore, a window error ''vblmd7.exe run error'' .
I knew teamis0 once said WG2oo2's flexlm (they happend it and mentor website conformed) has some buggies. But I don't know what's wrong and how to fix it. I checked out lots of posts, seems no one happend to this shit problem.
Anyone can give me some suggestions to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
First, use Disk_ID_Num as HOSTID gen l!cense.dat and install all products exactly folllow install.txt. When start DC and DCView, errors pop up, say ''Local License Manger read pipe failured'' but ExpPCB works.
Then uninstall WG and reinstall just DC and DCView, it works for first start. After exit it and restart it again, same errors pop up again, furthermore, a window error ''vblmd7.exe run error'' .
I knew teamis0 once said WG2oo2's flexlm (they happend it and mentor website conformed) has some buggies. But I don't know what's wrong and how to fix it. I checked out lots of posts, seems no one happend to this shit problem.
Anyone can give me some suggestions to fix it?
Thanks in advance!