Junior Member level 3
I have a stupid question, I successfully compiled my project but I am not sure about the results:
I dont know why my memory bits is still zero when I have this in my verilog topmodule:
(* ramstyle = "M144K" *) reg [FIXED_WIDTH-1:0] memX [0:MxN-1] ;
memX is a 50x50x 32 bits.
Also, My number of logic gates seems really small. I am implementing something that includes convolution, exponential etc. I would expect the number of logic gates to be more.
Sorry I am new at this.
Thank you
I have a stupid question, I successfully compiled my project but I am not sure about the results:
Flow Status Successful - Mon Sep 26 12:17:31 2011
Quartus II Version 11.0 Build 157 04/27/2011 SJ Web Edition
Revision Name topmodule3
Top-level Entity Name topmodule3
Family Cyclone
Device EP1C20F400I7
Timing Models Final
Total logic elements 410 / 20,060 ( 2 % )
Total pins 80 / 301 ( 27 % )
Total virtual pins 0
Total memory bits 0 / 294,912 ( 0 % )
Total PLLs 0 / 2 ( 0 % )
I dont know why my memory bits is still zero when I have this in my verilog topmodule:
(* ramstyle = "M144K" *) reg [FIXED_WIDTH-1:0] memX [0:MxN-1] ;
memX is a 50x50x 32 bits.
Also, My number of logic gates seems really small. I am implementing something that includes convolution, exponential etc. I would expect the number of logic gates to be more.
Sorry I am new at this.
Thank you