Measuring Nodes in Altium

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Randy Williams

Newbie level 1
Apr 20, 2015
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We are completing a design for DDR3 using Altium Ver. 15.1. We have routed the address lines in a T. There are 4 via nodes on each track, one at the BGA ball, one at the T and one at each terminal end. I would like to check the length of T branches and cannot figure out how to measure the length of a trace between nodes. Any help here would be appreciated.

Thanks Randy,

You need some sort of high speed/SIV function to automatically give feedback on the various skews required for DDR3 memory routing, measuring by hand if that is what you are doing will be a pain....

You can use From-Tos in Altium to get the length of a trace between two points: **broken link removed**
See if it suits you. It might be difficult to set up if you have a lot of connections to measure, but you only have to set it up once.

The problem with DDR lines is the skew relatio9nship between address, control, data lanes and the clock... so you need multiple skew groups and the means to control and record them simultaneously with some sort of indicator. I would look up skew groups in Altium.

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