Change the ratio of R1&R2 for voltage in scale of ADC.
Reduce R3 < 1k Ohm, and add Ca Capacitor for pin3 of ADC. R3 & C3 creat a LPF, which design for filter noise and cut off frequency higher than sample frequency of ADC. R3 too high will make drop voltage on it when has charge current input of ADC. If high speed ADC will absorb more current. This make error to measured result.
If Opam is low power type, check it is rail to rail type or not, that mean how much span output voltage you can use. Example, normal opam output only maximum is Vcc - 1.5V, rail-to-tail type accept Vcc - 0.6V.
Because of input high impedance source mega ohm, check input offset current of opam, that will make error for resistor devider, also make error for linear ratio.
As I suggest, I don't use this solution to save power when measure Vbat. I use a switch to turn on connection to Vbat when I want to measure. This time circuit will asorb current. After measure, turn off, then no current discharge from battery. This solution can save more power, and accept lower resistor devider for lower linear error, low cost opam can use.