Hi every one
I want to measure DC offset of a differential amplifier in cadence spectre and untill now i understood i should use monte carlo to simulate but I have no idea how i can use it and how to measure dc offset.
could you please help me?
best regards
You have to measure differences between both inputs for any closed loop configuration, e.g. as voltage follower.
If You want to get a histogram of offset You need to use expression like VDC("/in+")-VDC("/in-").
In virtuoso 6.x any MC simulation You are doing in adexl view.
I always use a vcvs to take the input difference voltage
and create a single ended ground referred value. Also use
that voltage in my own gain/phase plots, having found
the iprobe / stb to be unreliable (not often, but often
enough to ruin a MC run consistently, no idea why and
no way to tell whether - except when you get whacked