Measuring Current Using ZXCT1041 IC

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Please let me know that how to measure using ZXCT1041 full-wave precision rectifier?
connect a sense resistor between S- and S+ and the Vout to an ADC input and the Flag output to a digital input pin
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application note
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Typical current shunt monitors use a 50mV or 75mV drop full scale and are not rectified. This part is excellent for monitoring charge and discharge shunts of only 20mV drop full scale with 1% accuracy with a unipolar analog output with a gain of 10 and a polarity logic output bit.
Thank you dear horace,

Please define more about ZXCT1041.
I want to measure AC Current using Current transformer.
Atmega16 at 8MHz using AVR studio 4.

Dear SunnySkyguy,

The current transformer available in many ratings but as for example I am choosing 100/5A.

The output current varies 0-5A according to primary current 0-100.
If I use shunt resistor of 40m-ohms then V=I*R ==>1*40mo=40mV... 5*40mo=200mV
Voltage across 40m-ohms resistor varies from 0-200mV.
But datasheet refers "For best operation the ZXCT1041 has been designed to operate with
VSENSE of the order of 50mV to 150mV."

How I calibrate it for using for my ammeter ATmega16 based.

I make attached circuit but it cannot amplify AC signal of 300mVAC to approx. ~3VDC.

And datasheet says its gain is 10.


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Choose a 20 or 30mOhm shunt instead.

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