I use AMS 0.35um CMOS process. and now I think that the line in red one be mirage because spice use error model (found in IEEE paper) but when run vgs value from 0 to 8 Volts in anather model, the mirage line disappear in image . when continous simulated to 12 up, the concave line ON again!
How we will find lamda value? ,(By simple method but have good accuracy ). Need source or else.
thank , phongphanp@yahoo.com.
concave line the graph is the breakdown region of mosfet. this region of operation must be avioded. i don't understand why the breakdown region is near 5v for 0.35u process ...it must 0.5u process i guess!!! for 0.35u it occurs near 3.3v.
to find lambda u can take the ratio of slope of the curve in sat region and Id value in middle of curve. if u r using cadence then find the gds value and divide by Id. similarly find betaeff in cal and divide by w/l ratio to find kn'