Measurement of Small scale fading channel

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Newbie level 2
May 29, 2015
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I am trying to conduct a measurement of the small scale fading channel and fit the actual data to Raleigh, Rician, and Gaussian distribution. I really would appreciate it if someone can give me some ideas as what i need to do!

In order to separate these discrete sources of interference, one needs a directional antenna with XY directional servo to scan and detect the Fading loss dead spots that is due to self cancellation of equala mplitude out of phase signals to create a dead spot.

Rician Fading is most common with multi-path distortion and acuity of 1mm or 0.1 degree in antenna orientation is necessary. A duplex antenna with a diversity switch makes a huge improvement to Wifi speeds in the presence of multipath, which is present in many laptops but never WiFi USB sticks.

I recall bouncing signals off tree leaves to get a neighbours signal before I got hooked up when I moved in. Other Rician fading can occur off ground water for long haul.
Getting out of a deadspot from -85 dBm to an adequate signal near -75dBm often just takes a 1mm rotation on the laptop corner or sideways shift. or 10% of a wavelength.

Thanks a lot i appreciate your input.

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