measurement of pipelined adc in simulink

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Mar 30, 2007
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1.5bit/stage pipeline adc matlab

recently , i'm designing a pipelined adc with matlab simulink?
but there are some questions:
1 how to built per stage(1.5bit) use the method of transfer function?
2 how to measure the snr sndr sfdr enob inl dnl in simulink,and how to plot the in matlab?
3 if i take kt/c into acount,then what does "c" means ?the sampling cap or the total cap of per stage (if so,how to measure it)?

thanks first.

adc simulink

You can build the 1.5 bit stage with either sub-blocks like comparator and logic gates for sub-dac, or by writing the necessary functions in a m-file ("Embeded matlab function" block in simulink).
After you build the systematic ADC in simulink you can either export the output data to a variable in MATLAB (there is a block simulink to do this) or you can export the data in the scope (the scope you have at the output) to MATLAB workspace. Then you should write a program to calculate the parameters you need.
For exact noise calculation you can see "Cho" thesis.
I will upload the thesis later (I can't upload it now).

pipeline adc simulink model

hi naalald
Can you share some simulink model of adc?

pipeline adc matlab

I'm currently working on that but seems to have the same questions. Can any one up load the corret way to do that? That'll be really helpful.

Please see the attachment for one of the reference matlab file.

Re: simulink pipeline adc

dear sir, I saw your adc model and found it useful. could you please guide me how can i find out INL and DNL and all other parameters to see adc's performance in simulink( or other way) and after that i can apply digital calibration on that.

thanks a lot

you can sample 2^n points, and use the function in matlab to calculate the parameters, the function can be found in maxim network.

you can sample 2^n points, and use the function in matlab to calculate the parameters, the function can be found in maxim network.

That's correct sir, but could you pls tell me how can I use the output of simulink as the input for .m file.

thanks a lot

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