Measured and simulated reflection coefficient s11 comparison

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Member level 5
Mar 23, 2015
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Can anyone please tell me how are the measured and simulated reflection coefficient graph or any other antenna parameter graph plotted together as even though the range is same the points in between are different, especially if only screen shots are available in case of vna results ?

How do they do it while publishing papers ?

Please help me thanks in advance

I can plot separate graphs in excel but comparing them is difficult since the number of points are different. (I extracted the data from the image) can you please help me with this..thanks

Import the measured s-parameters into your simulator..
Thank you so much that was great help...please can you help me if you know how to
1. import the s11 in dB in CST Microwave Studio

2. how to extract the data from the image result of s11 from vna

(Wanted to know how researchers do it)

Mickey, Importing into CST is the more precise method to do the comparison but in a pinch, I export the s-parameters as MagdB/phase and import into MicroSlop Excel. The accounting spreadsheet is handy for plotting data.
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Thank you for your help. Can you please tell me how to install it

I did expand the archive but did not find any install file. Can you please tell me the extension for the install file?

No, I am new to this...please help me how to go about it ...for windows

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