MCT 2E base pin no connected

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Newbie level 5
Feb 16, 2012
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Hiii Friends ..I want to know .....where to connect the 6 th pin of a optocoupler MCT2E it i shown unconnected in the data sheet of MCT2E..thi pin is creating problem for me as it becomes floating..So plzz provide me the solution..

Hiii Friends ..I want to know .....where to connect the 6 th pin of a optocoupler MCT2E it i shown unconnected in the data sheet of MCT2E..thi pin is creating problem for me as it becomes floating..So plzz provide me the solution..

How did you confirm that pin is making problem?

Explain in detail

How did you deduce that it is this pin that is causing the problem, and not some other part of the circuit?

If, however, it IS this pin causing the problem, maybe somehow false triggering the photo-transistor, you can pull down this pin with a 10k resistor to ground.

Hope this helps.

as this pin is floating so this pin is picking noise sometimes

I tried to ground the base with 10k,20k,50k and 100k..but this make mct2e off permanently

Ok. How did you deduce that the MCT2E base picks up noise that causes problems to other parts of the circuit?

I checked it with c.r.o shows floating voltage

So? If that pin shows floating voltage, does that mean that it will cause problems to the rest of the circuit? I don't think so. The base pin is supposed to be left floating.

Unconctd pin act as antenna ..and pick some random noise

Yea, but the optocoupler base pin is SUPPOSED to be left floating. Ask yourself: will the random noise picked up at the base cause problems and random signals at the collector and emitter?

Yes frnd m geting problem i checkd other part of circuit that part is ok,..mct2e 6th pin is the cause of problem

Relay cnnected through mct2e chatters some time

Obviously. Are you going to drive the relay with the MCT2E directly? You need to drive another transistor which will amplify the current to drive the relay. Which relay are you using? Show your circuit diagram.

Yes iam using transistor after mct2e to drive the relay relay is pcb mounted

Relay chatter is due to insufficient voltage. Did you make sure that the voltage does not drop when the relay is being turned on? Post a circuit diagram showing how you connected the components.

Hope this helps.

Yes voltage is sufficient..relay chatters when it is off..

How did you connect the transistor to the opto-coupler?

You should post this part of the schematic.

I got the solution ...i have connected 6 th pin of MCT2E to the ground with 4 mega ohm it tis not floating..

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