MC68HC811 Programmer

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Jun 20, 2013
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I have a 20 year old project that has come back to my desk using an MC68HC811E2FN. It has no ROM and 2k EEPROM. I've lost my old programmer. Even if I had it, I wouldn't have the software. It probably ran on windows 3.1, maybe W95, maybe DOS. LOL. Is there an inexpensive programmer for these chips around?

I have 4 chips programmed with one of two variations of the firmware. I can send out one of those to make the repair needed now, but I want to read the firmware off the chips before I mail them. I don't think it exists anywhere but on these 4 pieces and the other ones in use.

I can build the programmer if there is a DIY type project available. I have access to an RS232 port on a PC running Ubuntu, or I can purchase and RS232 USB converter for PC's running windows 8 down to XP.

Thanks for any help or leads.

The programming interface for 68HC811 is just TTL serial. You can use an RS232 port with TTL level translators, or a USB/serial adapter with TTL I/O (eg. Sparkfun USB to TTL Serial Cable).

To program the 68HC811 you first put it into bootstrap mode by holding MODA and MODB pins low, then send it a 256 byte bootstrap program which is loaded into RAM. The boot program provides the interaction required for programming operations.

PLAYING WITH THE 68HC11: minimal setup for loading and running a bootstrap program.

How to Program a 68hc811e2: in Windows using **broken link removed**.
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Haha, this is great. "P11 Latest Version = 3.6 - Revision Date: 1/09/98 - Changed serial communications to work with Windows NT." Perfect.

I'll give this a spin. Thank you so much.

- - - Updated - - -

Actually, looking at the Teci site jogged my memory. This is the programming software we used in the 90's.

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