Thank You for fast RE, Mr. Audioguru!
I was playing with resistor calculator and trying to figure out exact colors, but it's really hard to tell exactly...and if I understand correctly i can not measure resistance of resistor directly on the circuit board...(If I Try I get only 8.2 Ohms) so that's that.
I counted the cells inside =10 it is.
If I feed 15,0V DC to 'AC terminals' the current on MM says 120mAh
If I feed 15,8V DC to 'AC terminals' the current on MM goes up to 200mAh.
I checked Wikipedia for trickle-charging and full-wave rectified pulses and I hope I understood everything in Your post. But I am still a little please, can I charge with 15,8V and 200mAh and will the current automatically go down when approaching full capacity, or do I need to go with 15V, just to be sure that when the battery will be almost full it is not charged with more than 120mAh?
When charging with 15V...the battery gets 12,5V from the board.
When charging with 15,8V...the battery gets 12,8V from the board.