maxim stop to provide sample??

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Newbie level 1
Jul 4, 2007
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maxim samples hobby

when try to request sample, it show this message:

Order Denial
Sorry, we do not support sample requests from distributor/resellers via this site. Go to Buy Now link above in order to place a purchase order or click here.

does maxim stop to give out sample, or it block the free e-mail now?

maxim sample do the ship

Hi there,

I asked for samples too, and they were pretty rude in their response. No proper addressing to the person that wrote to them, just: "Sorry, we don't ship to your country unless you have a UPS account number, Thanks". That was it. A few years ago I had the same experience. It seems that this is company policy. Analog Devices on the other hand is VERY cooperative and friendly, so depending on the type of component your look for, I suggest you try them.

sample maxix projects

Hey, that's not true. Iim7, if you recieve that kind of message from maxim it is because your postal address are occupied more than 3 maxim-ic member. are asking to much samples continously. They will consider that you are molesting their kindness.

maxim samples cantidad

Ten days ago i asked from maxim a few samples and i receive them today. I think that there is not any problem but if your request are in close time then you are on a black list.

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