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Matlab Programs about Antenna Theory

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Jan 31, 2005
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balanis matlab

Do you have the ISBN Number for this book and/or the actual title?


antenna matlab code

Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition
Constantine A. Balanis
ISBN: 0-471-66782-X
**broken link removed**

antenna theory analysis and design matlab

A program to plot the array factor of linear array


  • array_factor_1136.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 629
antenna balanis matlab code cd

i m new in antenna design
Does the array function change if "N" number of lineer antennas change?

matlab programs

would u please share with me a microstrip patch antenna design if u have it e-mail(

antenna theory book download

Can anyone tell me how to open the file? I have downloaded the RAR file but cannot open it.

balanis antenna cd

I wonder how to use it?

matlab code for antenna

is there is any fortran code in ur attached file?

matlab antenna

abdoeng78 said:
is there is any fortran code in ur attached file?

hello mr abdoeng78
yes you can found fortran code for antenna from link:

antenna theory matlab program

is this code can generate the radiation pattern of an antenna?

matlab antenna array

i have e book balanis but there is no codes just comments. i think codes are in CD given with the book. does the attachment include all codes?

Added after 43 minutes:

if anyone has fortran codes, please send me. the matlab codes are working but for question 2.22 in balanis
U = (sin(pi*sinΘ)/pi*sinΘ)²
the result is NaN but the true one is 11.48 dB.
i think there is problem in matlab codes.

antenna theory

i think you should check either .... theta is in degree or radian. In Matlab, by default is in radian. Please convert it to degree.
antenna theory - analysis and design matlap file

Hello chaps! I am new in this Antenna Theory businness and trying to write MATLAB program in a firm related to RF. It is a summer training for me. I wonder and be very pleased if you can tell or show the program on how to write a MATLAB code for 16 element Array Antenna to find the phase and the magnitude of each individual element. The elements have lambda/3 spacing in between. If you couldnt get any part
just inform me so that i reply you back with the better exposition. I really need this. I do appreciate your answer in advance!

rapidshare antenna theory balanis


Can anyone provide the copy of the book Antenna Theory by C.A.Balanis in pdf format.



antenna theory balanis rapidshare

you can download the book from rapidshare

matlab codes for antennas

pls provide the link for the book Antenna: thheory & design by Balanis...


antenna array matlab example

HI can u provide me above book plz it is urgent..plz be quick.

matlab code for radiation pattern + pdf

download it from avaxhome
matlab avaxhome 2009

thanks a lot!

about the pdf,I can email you if .....

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