OK, it means you have to calculate the trace of all the submatrix internal to your main matrix. For instance if your matrix is 5x5:
1 3 7 2 4
9 1 5 3 6
5 4 9 1 7
2 1 5 4 3
0 1 9 7 4
Then the submatrices are:
1...1 3...1 3 7...1 3 7 2...1 3 7 2 4
.....9 1...9 1 5...9 1 5 3...9 1 5 3 6
............5 4 9...5 4 9 1...5 4 9 1 7
......................2 1 5 4...2 1 5 4 3
...................................0 1 9 7 4
(I used the dot instead the space in order to align the figures)
From which the traces are 1, 2, 11, 15, 19
I wrote the following code (in scilab, very similar to matlab):
u=100; // this is the maximum index of the main matrix
k=grand(u,u,'def'); // Generates the main matrix (random numbers)
g=inv(conj(k))'*k; // Calculates the new matrix
for j=1:u,
M=g(1:j,1:j); // Extract the submatrix jxj (probably a more clever method exists)
z(j)=log10(1+trace(M)); // Calculate the trace
The first part is the generation of the matrix, just to see if the code works, of course you have to replace it with your real matrix.