Matlab Imresize error

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Newbie level 3
Nov 18, 2013
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Hi all,

I am new in matlab and I am doing image processing on vein image.

When I run the code,this error come out and I can't even understand a single line about the error.

Error using imresize
Expected input number 1, A, to be nonempty.

Error in imresize>parsePreMethodArgs (line 333)
validateattributes(A, {'numeric', 'logical'}, {'nonsparse', 'nonempty'}, mfilename, 'A', 1);

Error in imresize>parseInputs (line 248)
[params.A,, params.scale, params.output_size] = ...

Error in imresize (line 141)
params = parseInputs(varargin{:});

Error in vein_extract_main (line 56)
vein_image =imresize(vein_image,[300 120]);

Can anyone please help me? Need help urgently...

the most important of error is the first line. probably you don't give proper input to imresize command. also sure that you
don't forget any of arguments in imresize.

Thanks for your help... And what about this error:

Error using svd
Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.

Error in cond (line 39)
s = svd(A);

Error in maketform>validate_matrix (line 327)
if cond(A) > condlimit

Error in maketform>affine (line 163)
A = validate_matrix( A, 'affine' );

Error in maketform (line 129)
t = feval(fcn,varargin{2:end});

Error in imrotate (line 129)
rotate = maketform('affine',[ cos(phi) sin(phi) 0; ...

Error in vein_extract (line 184)
Itemp = imrotate(Itemp,theta); % rotate original image

Error in vein_extract_main (line 46)

The svd code is generated automatically once I run the code....


You all are giving me very supportive suggestions. Thanks a lot. I think I already found out the problem.

Some of the images that collected are not very detailed. I extracted those images out and run the code on those specified images and the svd code is generated. I think the problem is due to the data collected.

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