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Matlab FIR and IIR (little help with simple task)

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Dec 30, 2010
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I am total beginner using Matlab so I need some help creating FIR and IIR filters with Mathlab.

I have read audiofile:

and I should filter it with FIR, which have these factors: [-0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.1, -0.04]

I must also filter it with IIR, which have factors b=[0.2939 0.2939], a=[1 -0.4231]

I tried google right commands and actually found something. Problem is that no matter how much I tried commands didnt work.
(sry for bad English)

Have you tried the filter function?
Actually I tried it, but seems like it only filtered only 7 first samples and then erased everything after that. Of course it's possible that I made some mistake when I tried it. Like I said I am beginner with Matlab

Why don't you paste the section of code, that calls the filter function.
Why don't you paste the section of code, that calls the filter function.
Because I dont have it anymore. I tried it yesterday and because it totally failed I didnt save it.

It should only be a couple lines long...

x = wavread('C:\Pinkpatka.wav',175142);
B = [-0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.1, -0.04];
y = filter(B, 1, x);
It should only be a couple lines long...

x = wavread('C:\Pinkpatka.wav',175142);
B = [-0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.1, -0.04];
y = filter(B, 1, x);
Thanks, that really helped.

So IIR-filter would go like this?
a=[1 -0.4241]
b=[0.2929 0.2929]
y = filter(b, a, x);

Errmm.. It seems like I must also make spectrograms from signals.

Command goes like this:
So x is signal, window = ?, noverlap=?, nfft=? and fs=44100.

I know that these are explained in **broken link removed**, but I don't really understand without good example.

firstly try only spectrogram(x), then check other options if needed.
It's only say: "??? Error using ==> spectrogram at 113
X must be a vector (either row or column)."

Edit: Oookey.. Audiofile must be mono not stereo or spectrogram doesn't work.
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You can access just a single vector in the array via...
x(1,:) x(2,:)
x:),1) x:),2)
depending on the array size

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