matlab contradiction ?

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Newbie level 4
Feb 6, 2016
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Hello everyone.
I have got a signal using digital oscilloscope from the mains 230V.
I plotted the data: time vs volt using matlab and i got it. However, when i tried to plot the same data using From my space in simulink I got different shape and its not even a wave form
I had two parameters in my workspave which are time and volt and then i used
ts = timeseries(volt,time); to get the two parameters in one matrix
please have a look at the two waveforms from plotting tool in matlab and from scope of simulink

the original wave form maximum amplitude is 0.8 Volt and the neasuring time -2.5 to 2.5 a total of 5 seconds
I have zoomed in to get a better clarity.


Your diagram at right appears to be a small portion of a sinewave, namely the part where it crosses zero and goes into the negative region. Did you set it to zoom in on that narrow timeframe?

Your diagram at right appears to be a small portion of a sinewave, namely the part where it crosses zero and goes into the negative region. Did you set it to zoom in on that narrow timeframe?

No i havent. This is what i thought so ,,tried to zoom in ,,nothing changed

Do you see more of the waveform when you zoom out? I think that's what you should try.

Experiment with running time so it's long enough to see a few sinewaves?

please have a look at the two waveforms from plotting tool in matlab and from scope of simulink

the original wave form maximum amplitude is 0.8 Volt and the neasuring time -2.5 to 2.5 a total of 5 seconds
Show simulink model. If you expect sine wave form, then simulink is the problem.

time from -2.5 to 2.5 ? How comes that ?

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