[SOLVED] Matching two transistors with different bulk connection

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Full Member level 5
Jun 30, 2014
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Hi i have an exponential cell having two transistors. I understand that best matching is to use common centroid or interdigitation and use a bulk ring around the two matched transistors but this is in the case if both the transistors share the same bulk like in a current mirror. But in my case A and B need matching but they have different bulk connections. So i only think i just can arrange the transistors in a proper matched way and not to use a bulk ring but use bulk separately on each transistor side. Can anyone tell if this is the right way to do it. Or any other good way to lay them out... Thank you!!!!

If the bulk potential is different then you can't expect
any sort of matching. See "body effect".

Thank you for the reply!!!! Yes the bulk potential of both are different... Its like i have two exponential cells... Each exponential cell has two transistors... So Say A and B belong to cell 1...
C and D belong to cell 2... But A and D of each of the two exponential cells have the same bulk connection. So instead of trying to match A and B which forms cell 1... Is it possible to match A and D, one transistor from cell 1 and cell 2. Can this be done??? Kindly let me know!!!!

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