matching question(layout)

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Member level 5
Apr 21, 2005
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I have some layout question in ppt.

You need to describe what the numbered squares represent. One possibility is a differential amplifier composed of several transistors on the left and right half. But, which numbered squares are the left and right transistors?

In general, in order to guard against temperature gradients and doping profile gradients, you have to split the transistors in a totally symmetrical way.

For instance, in a two left two right arrangement, the top left and bottom right squares are one side and the other two squares contain the transistors for the other side of the differential pair.

I know. Thanks. My permutation is used in current source. My question is
my permutation is not change. And I used guard ring. Can it guard against temperature gradients and doping profile gradients? or you have a better idea.

Current sources have the same problem as differential pairs. It is a wise thing to use emitter/source degeneration resistors to reduce the effects of temperature gradients and doping profile gradients.

flatulent said:
Current sources have the same problem as differential pairs. It is a wise thing to use emitter/source degeneration resistors to reduce the effects of temperature gradients and doping profile gradients.

What is emitter/source degeneration resistors? Can you tell detail?
Because my current sources have 256.
Can I divide 16×16?I just deal with 16 current source?


Hard to understand you. Give clear details of what you are trying to do.
Matching is important but your connection between each device has to be match has well!! So just split your device in a way the connection will be easy and clear. Do you have a reference and 1 device, 1 reference and 2, 3?. What are the W and L, number of fingers? Give details. It's really what each posts miss here.

I have another question. What is ODS=10µm meaning?
Thank you very much.

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