Matching Circuit- Microstrip lines

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Diplex can be accomplished in this sort of situation by using a T to two separate filters located half wave away.

For example, start by designing two filters at 2.2 and 2.3 GHz that are ~30-40 MHz wide. Use a microstrip T with half wave at 2.3 GHz to the 2.2 GHz filter, and visa versa. For such a narrow passband an end coupled filter would be a good place to start and expect it to be squirrely regarding gaps and etch tolerance.

At 2.2 GHz the 2.3 GHz filter will look like an open and reflect back to the T as such (use a compensated T!!!). The 2.2 GHz filter will be matched and all the energy will flow to it.

For such a narrow region of frequencies that you are dealing with, you should be able to make it work 3 ways once you let the optimizer go nuts on it.

Hello Chandre gowda,

Use the Nuhertz Filter or Matching network syntheis or generating tool to generate Diplexer or Triplexer circuit...See here...

**broken link removed**


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