Matching Altium and manufacturing DRC technology

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Advanced Member level 4
Sep 12, 2019
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Hello,I want to input inside my Altium designer the DRC of a manufacturer shown in the link below.
There are some importance settings i need to find but the terminology differs from ALTIUM to designers laws on its website.

I will sent a question to the manufacturer but i cant see what is the clearance definition for the manufacturer?
There is a tool of a manufacturer shown in the link below.

If i understand correctly 6/6 means 6mil width 6 mil space between traces finished copper of 1oz means that the thickness of the substrate is 0.035mm thickness. i chose some options as shown bellow .what happens when i pressed calculate? How can i get the clearance DRC from it?


I don't understand the question. The manufacturer lets you choose between different PCB technologies with different price. It's your job to decide which to use. The clearance and trace width settings are minimal values, you usually set larger values for most net classes in your design.

Use metric, far easier with most modern components. Look for "the CAD library of the future", link below.

It is rare for us to see imperial designs these days, I work in a design bureau. Metric also is an easier match to any mechanical requirements, and for the transfer of mechanical information by DXF files.
BGA's are hard metric, routing on a metric grid makes life easier...
The IPC-7531 is a hard metric standard...
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