do you know if DC allows you to find the RTL segments that synthesize into the critical path?
I am not talking just about the start-stop registers of the path, but also the RTL that synthesizes into the combinational gates that comprise the critical path.
Ideally also with the state of the RTL inputs, plus the event that triggers the critical path.
E.g. if the critical path is invoked by an adder (between A register and Sum register):
Sum <= A XOR B;
I would like the tool to report that this is the line of RTL that is synthesized to the gates that comprise the critical path. And even better that the critical event would be when e.g. B=1 (state), and A changes from 0->1 (event).
Of course in a real case it would need to point to dozens of code lines in several different RTL files.
If not DC, does any synthesis or backend tool support something like that?