[SOLVED] manual routing in eagle 6.3 lite

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Apr 5, 2012
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I am new to eagle lite and need some help pls. After I made the schematic and started with the routing of the components, initially I was able to follow the signal traces to do manual routing. Later on (something happened), the tool started suggesting the routes, ie I was not able to manually route the tracks. Is there any option etc. which i need to check/ uncheck for complete manual routing.

Y Li.

You should see various icons at the top of the screen when routing with various bend shapes. The right most one is the autorouter. The next two are the "follow me" router. Click on one of the others.


You should see various icons at the top of the screen when routing with various bend shapes. The right most one is the autorouter. The next two are the "follow me" router. Click on one of the others.


I was doing that... I selected the left most option.. but still when double left clicking on a pad, it is automatically showing a route between on of the possible destination pads. Previously, I was able to follow the signal traces between the pads.

Double left click does nothing on my software (or version 6.3) so I am not sure what is going on. To route a ratsnest select ROUTE either through the icon, command line or function key.


Hi Kieth,

The problem was solved. I had previously set the grid to finest which enabled me to route the board the way I wanted. Later I must have set it to some coarse value. Hence was not able to route the connections easily.

BTW I had one more query pls. I have directly placed some wires between pads of ICs. Now when I am rotating the ICs, the wires remain in their position. For other wires connected using the signal traces, the wires 'stay attached' to the pads. So is there any way to tie these wires to the pads.

Y. Li

You can move the IC with the tracks as a "group". Groups can be any shape - they don't have to be rectangular.


OK, thanks. Is there any way of tying the wires to the pads pls.

Hi Keith,

I found a way. I simply drew a signal wire b/w the pads and then deleted the previous track. Next, I did routing following the signal wire.

Y. Li

I don't understand what you are saying. Tracks routed to a pad will 'rubberband' if you drag the part with the pad but will usually cause a short circuit. If you want the tracks to move without changing their routing you need to use a group move.


Well, there were some tracks which were added on later (not from schematic). So while moving the components, these tracks remained in their original position. Hence, I made signal connections on the board, moved the components, deleted the manually added tracks and then re did the routing.

You should always make connectivity changes in the schematic otherwise you will never get a clean DRC and won't know that the schematic and PCB are electrically identical.


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