making reliable double sided pcbs at home

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Member level 2
Nov 29, 2006
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making pcb vias at home

hi there,
i know that pcb making topic is dicussed over and over again, but I want information about instruments that will enable one to make double sided pcbs with professional qualities. pth is must and i want to know how it can be done at home reliable, may be using some economic pcb making tools or such which i don't know.

please help

thanks in advance

Hi bigaussie !!!

take a look here:

**broken link removed**

bye !!!

Before you do anything with the pcb, drill a couple 'alignment' holes on the outside of the board, like those for mounting the pcb, and then you can align the top and bottom layer in the process.

but how to do vias i,e plate through holes at home???

bigaussie said:
but how to do vias i,e plate through holes at home???

IIRC, there are some plating solutions available that can get the job done but don't expect any production quality though. Or you can use solder to fill the holes like most people do. You can also try using solder-paste along with solder wire to fill the holes. The solder-paste is a combination of tiny lead-balls and deoxidisers.

Three layer PCBs at home. The guys uses photosensitive PCBs to etch out the circuit but that can be done with normal screen painting too.

One piece of advise though, if you are learning/enjoying PCB making at home then its ok. But if you are using those PCBs for some serious projects or work then do get it done elsewhere, because debugging both the circuit and PCB at the same time can be quite frustrating especially in small time frames. The above is especially true for double-layer PCBs.

Also first drill out the vias and then etch the board.

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