Making clock with DS12c887 RTC

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Newbie level 4
Mar 25, 2010
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I want to make a Digital Clock of 7 segment display with DS12c887 RTC.
Can you please help me with source code or with any other information.

As the DS12887 uses multiplexed Address/Data bus the easiest way to control it is with a microcontroller that has such a bus ..
One of good candidates for this job is 8051-based microcontroller such as for example the AT89S52 (AT89S2582) ..
Here is info on how to connect this RTC with 8051-core microcontroller:
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Thank you very much,,,,,,,
Can you please help me by providing the source code of bascom avr or c ?

I don't think there is an off-the-shelf code that'll cover your application ..
Start with this simple ASM code which is good for initial test of the 8051-DS12887 circuit ..
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I want sample copy bascom avr source code of bs12887 or ds1287 or ds12c887 projects(simple rtc clock)....Please help me...
$regfile = "m16def.dat"
$crystal = 800000

Declare Sub Get_time
Declare Sub Set_time
Declare Sub Call_time
'Declare Sub Demo

Dim Adress As Byte
Dim Data_in As Byte
Dim A As Byte
Dim H As Byte
Dim M As Byte
Dim S As Byte
Dim S1 As Byte
Dim Dat As Byte

Dat = 1

Config Porta = Output
'Config Porta.0 = Output
'Ddrc = &11111111
Portc = 12
Portd = &B00000000
Ddrd = &B00000000
'S1 = 0
'S1 = S1 + 1
'Call Demo
'If S1 = 10 Then
'S1 = 0
'End If
'Waitms 1
Adress = 4

Call Set_time
Adress = Adress - 2
Loop Until Adress = 0
Call Call_time
Wait 1


Sub Call_time
Adress = 4
Call Get_time
H = Data_in
Adress = 2
Call Get_time
M = Data_in
Adress = 0
Call Get_time
S = Data_in
'Locate 1 , 1
'Lcd Makedec(h) ; ":" ; Makedec(m) ; ":" ; Makedec(s)

S1 = Makedec(s)
'If S1 > 9 Then
'S1 = S1 - 8
'End If
'If S1 > 20 Then
'S1 = S1 - 18
'End If
'If S1 > 30 Then
'S1 = S1 - 28
'End If
'If S1 > 40 Then
'S1 = S1 - 38
'End If
'If S1 > 50 Then
'S1 = S1 - 48
'End If

Select Case S1
Case 0 : Porta = &B01111110
Case 1 : Porta = &B00110000
Case 2 : Porta = &B01101101
Case 3 : Porta = &B01111001
Case 4 : Porta = &B00110011
Case 5 : Porta = &B01011011
Case 6 : Porta = &B00011111
Case 7 : Porta = &B01110000
Case 8 : Porta = &B01111111
Case 9 : Porta = &B01110011
End Select

End Sub

Sub Set_time
Ddrd = &B11111111
Ddrc = &B11111111
Portc = &B00001101
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001111
Portd = Adress
Portc = &B00001100
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001000
Portd = &B00000001
Portc = &B00001000
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001100
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001111
End Sub

Sub Get_time
Ddrc = &B11111111
Ddrd = &B11111111
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001101
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001111
Waitms 5
Portd = Adress
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001110
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001100
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00000100
Portd = &B00000000
Ddrd = &B00000000
Data_in = Pind
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001100
Waitms 5
Portc = &B00001111
End Sub

working on it.......Please find me the problem

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