E fields can be measured with open circuit voltage
H fields can be measured with closed loop current.
Similar to the way that a changing magnetic field generates an electric field, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field. This fact is known as
Maxwell's correction to Ampère's law. Maxwell's correction to Ampère's Law
bootstrap together with Faraday's law of induction to form
electromagnetic waves, such as light. Thus, a changing electric field generates a changing magnetic field, which generates a changing electric field again.
Like all vector fields, a magnetic field has two important mathematical properties that relates it to its
sources. (For
B the
sources are currents and changing electric fields.) These two properties, along with the two corresponding properties of the electric field, make up
Maxwell's Equations. Maxwell's Equations together with the Lorentz force law form a complete description of
classical electrodynamics including both electricity and magnetism.
( ref Wiki)
There are line voltages with opposite phase and currents which shift from reactive loads.
To understand the Physics, it is useful to learn the math.
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