<magma talus> reg2out path check result mismatches PT?

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Member level 2
Nov 7, 2005
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Hi Guys, I found, in default, "data required time" of reg2out path for talus built-in timer does not account for "clock network delay"(terminology of PT). In simple, it calculates "data required time = clock period - output_delay" while PT do in such way: "data required time = clock period + clock network delay - output_delay". Therefore, the slack result mismatches PT. Anyone who know why it is?

Many thanks.

Hi Chris

Is your clock path delay computed? Can you please put in a snippet of the timing report? Is your clock propagated?

Hi Chris

Is your clock path delay computed? Can you please put in a snippet of the timing report? Is your clock propagated?

Yes, computed(propagated) mode, after "fix clock"(CTS built) even the same result after "fix wire".

I run at the b-level rather than top-level, I guess talus does not update latency or other reasons.

I assume the entire path should be "reg2out(A block) -> in2reg(B block)", and there is no capture clock latency of "in2reg" and no way to get. In such case, I think either adding a estimated latency in setup computing or just focus on datapath delay of reg2out if met? What do you think about?

Hi Chris

Is your clock path delay computed? Can you please put in a snippet of the timing report? Is your clock propagated?

Hi Jeevan,

Here is the header of report from Talus, pls note clock period is 5000ps while output_delay is 2000ps

Reference arrival time ******************** 0
+ Cycle adjust (clk:R#1 vs clk:R#2) ********5000
- Setup time************************ -2000
------------------------------------------ -------
End-of-path required time (ps) ***********3000

Starting arrival time **********************0
+ Clock path delay *********************1368
+ Data path delay ********************* 2010
------------------------------------------ -------
End-of-path arrival time (ps) ************* 3378

As above, the setup check of reg2out path failed distinctly, but it is not true as clock latency of capture path is not added, I think.

ICC/PT really account for capture path clock latency, thus setup in ICC/PT is met.
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