LTspice vs Prospice difference

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I'm not familiar with ProSpice but generally all Spice programs use the same internal model and simulation syntax. The differences are in the details of the graphical interface used to enter the schematic data, control the simulation, and display the simulation results.

LTSpice has some undocumented and barely-documented
behavioral features which they (Linear Tech) make heavy
use of in their more complex part models. Other SPICEs
are unlikely to digest these well. You'd have to try, and
see. LTSpice complex models are also, I observe, somehow
encrypted so you can't just look inside - may defeat use
in other simulators altogether.

For stuff -you- create out of primitives, do not neglect the
greatest feature of LTSpice - $0.

So long as the "code" only uses standard SPICE elements
you ought to be OK (although dialect to dialect, you may
run into units differences (cgs, mks, whether certain params
are fixed or W-scaled and so on)). But if there are behavioral
elements I expect there to be compatibility problems, LTSpice
seems to have gone their own road there.

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