Did you look closer at the switching behavior of both circuit blocks, e.g. drain currents? There is terrible shoot-through due too low dead time respectively too slow gate voltage.
In the buck simulation, you are triggering converter self destruction by feeding the output with 20V after 2 ms.
I would
1. verify the operation of buck and boost block with reasonable test cases, adjusting the parameters to get clean switching waveforms
2. use a well considered test scenario for the combination circuit
Connecting a synchronous converter with voltage sources at in- and output and operating it with a fixed duty cycle without feedback control doesn't look like a useful test scenario to me.
Thank you for the reply FvM - I simplified the test case for all models to include an input voltage source (constant 11.1 volts), and an output load resistor (100 ohms). I'm trying to verify operation at discrete points before adding feedback control at the moment but I think it is a great point that maybe its a bit much to untangle right now. I also made the following changes to attempt to improve performance of the circuit:
-Increased dead time from 100ns to 500ns to prevent interactions between components per your recommendation
-Increased gate resistor size and added Shotcky diodes in parallel to improve driver performance
I also did this for the individual Buck and Boost converter I designed to help my understanding of where the issue may be. The waveforms for these two converters (along with the drain currents of each MOSFET) is shown below:
Synchronous Buck
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Synchronous Boost
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These seem pretty reasonable - a bit slow to converge but they are completing the intended task of converting the 11.1 input voltage to 5 and 20 V respectively. The combined circuit is still exhibiting similar behavior unfortunately. The drain currents are quite worrying in the combined circuit as they do not behave appropriately whatsoever. The first waveform shows Vout along with the drain currents of the two Buck MOSFETs and the second shows Vout along with the two Boost MOSFETs
Combined Circuit
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Doesn't look good for the transistors
My control signals are (1.78V,4V) for control 1 and (0V,1.8V) for control 2 which is the duty cycles from the individual circuit and an always on/off signal for the inactive circuit. Each phase lasts 1.5ms so it should switch from Buck to Boost mode in the middle of the waveform.