@lter@ configuration device compressed bitstream

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Advanced Member level 4
Mar 14, 2002
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If I undestood the Stratix/Cyclone spec correctly, a compressed bitstream can be stored in the serial device to use less storage.

When the board powers up, the bitstream is decompressed by the FPGA?Am I correct?

Then if I want to store my bitstream in a non-@lter@ serial device, there should be no problem. What is strange to me is how the fpga can stand receiving continuous bitstream while it is decompressing the current data in the fpga.

On the other hand, if the bitstream is uncompressed in @lter@'s serial device, then the fpga sees no difference since the data is uncompressed. However, I can't store the bitstream in a non-@lter@ serial device.

Anybody has the decompression algo? Maybe I could decompress using another fpga/cpld that is on-board. I want to save cost since config device for Stratix is expensive.

Thanks for any thoughts...

Unfortunately the stream is decompressed in the configuration device, EPC16. If you are going to use Stratix, the configuration device price (around 60 USD) is not an issue comparing with the price of the FPGA itself. One EPC16 is enough for the biggest Stratix device EP1S80, which costs around 7500 USD.

The EPC4 is around 30$ USD. Any 4Mbit serial device is less than 5-7$ USD. The difference is a lunch at McDo with the family... :lol:

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