LPC2368 legacy GPIO ports problem

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very question

Advanced Member level 4
Nov 11, 2012
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Hi all
I wan't to use legacy GPIO mode in keil 4.7a for lpc2368 but I can't use this register
IO0DIR,IO0SET and compiler dosen't permit me to use this register:-(
would you please help me?
thanks in advanced
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The LPC23xx.h header includes definitions for both GPIO

/* General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) */
#define GPIO_BASE_ADDR		0xE0028000
#define IOPIN0         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x00))
#define IOSET0         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x04))
#define IODIR0         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x08))
#define IOCLR0         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C))
#define IOPIN1         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x10))
#define IOSET1         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x14))
#define IODIR1         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x18))
#define IOCLR1         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(GPIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x1C))

/* Fast I/O setup */
#define FIO_BASE_ADDR		0x3FFFC000
#define FIO0DIR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x00)) 
#define FIO0MASK       (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x10))
#define FIO0PIN        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x14))
#define FIO0SET        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x18))
#define FIO0CLR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x1C))

#define FIO1DIR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x20)) 
#define FIO1MASK       (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x30))
#define FIO1PIN        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x34))
#define FIO1SET        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x38))
#define FIO1CLR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x3C))

#define FIO2DIR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x40)) 
#define FIO2MASK       (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x50))
#define FIO2PIN        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x54))
#define FIO2SET        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x58))
#define FIO2CLR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x5C))

#define FIO3DIR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x60)) 
#define FIO3MASK       (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x70))
#define FIO3PIN        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x74))
#define FIO3SET        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x78))
#define FIO3CLR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x7C))

#define FIO4DIR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x80)) 
#define FIO4MASK       (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x90))
#define FIO4PIN        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x94))
#define FIO4SET        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x98))
#define FIO4CLR        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x9C))

The names are a bit different so you either use the ones defined in the header or add a define in your code.
Either use IODIR0 or add a define
#define IO0DIR IODIR0
and use IO0DIR
thank's my friend, I haven't seen this difference until now;-)
How can I config this register with assembly language?I want to write something in address of that register
which instruction is equal to STS in AVR ?:shock:

I don't use assembly so I have no idea.
Try to compile a small code in C, compile and see the generated assembly instructions used for the line that writes values to registers
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