Aug 8, 2017 #1 I ishtiaqshaheer Junior Member level 3 Joined Mar 17, 2017 Messages 26 Helped 0 Reputation 0 Reaction score 0 Trophy points 1 Location India Activity points 203 Hi, Can someone please help me with LPC2148 Slave receiver coding as I'm working on a project where LPC2148 is slave and Raspberry is Master Help appreciated Thanks
Hi, Can someone please help me with LPC2148 Slave receiver coding as I'm working on a project where LPC2148 is slave and Raspberry is Master Help appreciated Thanks
Aug 8, 2017 #2 KlausST Advanced Member level 7 Joined Apr 17, 2014 Messages 26,604 Helped 4,935 Reputation 9,891 Reaction score 5,852 Trophy points 1,393 Activity points 179,379 Hi, As so often in this forum: * please show what you have done so far * what are the results * where exactely do you see problems? Klaus
Hi, As so often in this forum: * please show what you have done so far * what are the results * where exactely do you see problems? Klaus