The filter shown in the picture has a first elliptic section followed by a 5th order Chebyshev.
C17 is obtained summing the output cap of the elliptic filter with the input cap og the Chebyshev section (in this case 10+10 pF).
2ov/@6mm should means 2 turns on a diameter of 6mm and, obviously, 3ov/@6mm should means 3 turns on a diameter of 6mm.
The lenght of the coils is not specified, I think because the tuning of the filter has to be made streching or compressing each coil, so we cannot estimate a value, but it's possible to estimate a range using the Wheeler formula.
However from the value of the capacitors the first inductor should be 24 nH, while the others two should be 40 nH resulting in a cutoff frequency around 250 MHz.