Low Noise AC to DC Rectifier Using Capacitance Multiplier [Altium Designer]

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Full Member level 2
Sep 26, 2007
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According to tests, this circuit converts 1500mVp-p ripple to 10mVp-p. even can be better than this.


If your goal is simply what you are erroneously calling "noise reduction" could, without further requirements, simply be done with a resistor and cap.

If your goal is simply what you are erroneously calling "noise reduction" could, without further requirements, simply be done with a resistor and cap.
You use a resistor and cap in your circuit and draw one amp of your resistor and see what happens, how much noise is get reduced, Mr professional

You use a resistor and cap in your circuit and draw one amp of your resistor and see what happens, how much noise is get reduced, Mr professional
maybe next time you should state your requirements, Mr. amateur. Further, use a small resistor and a large capacitor and see what happens. Or an inductor rated for 1 Amp and a capacitor. Or, for that matter, a resistor rated for the proper wattage.

And,no, easypeasy, i don’t think ripple is noise. Noise generally refers to RANDOM fluctuations, and generally not a single frequency.
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The exact technical term is "noise and interferences". It's legitimate language criticism to question the thread title. I presume everyone knows though what the thread is talking about. I also take it as granted that in English technical literature "noise" is often used in a wider sense, e.g. "switching noise".

Regarding advantage or disadvantage of the discussed circuit, I agree that passive RC and LC power supply filters are preferable in some applications but not in all.

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