may some body help me in how can i measure low frequency signal such as 50.73hz the most important is 0.73hz with small gate time like 0.2 sec
i made a frequency meter that can measure 500khz to 1 hz with a gate time 1 sec
but what about lower than 1hz frequency ?
Do a Google search for "frequency reciprocal counting" and I think you will find your answer.
For a graphical analysis of "zero crossing" versus "reciprocal counting" methods, by Michel Waleczek, you can look here:
I think using a triggered clock and a counter would do
the trick as Giri said. You need to trigger a clock when
the signal croos zero and count thepulses until the
next zero crossing . Ex., using half cycle of a 50 Hz
signal (20 MSec) to trigger a 10Mhz counting clock
will give you 100,000 counts, for a 50.3 Hz signal the
count would be 99,403.