Low current increase the noise

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Full Member level 1
Jun 19, 2006
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When reading a document, it say that
" low current increase the noise" ? I don;t know the reason and
what else effect to the noise.

Of course it depends on the circuit. But in SC circuits as current decreases you should decrease the capacitor value to maintain the speed. So, the KT/C noise increases.

maybe the author would have talked about the noise to signal ratio....
it would be better if you quote the whole text or mention the book and page number...

for the thermal noise I think it will decrease with the current decrease,considering its key factor Gm.as for the 1/f noise,it is determined by the WL

It depends, for CMOS op amp, high current for input pair will reduce the noise, oh, what I said is not correct. Increasing current of input pair will increase both thermal noise and Gm, but for thermal noise, its gain is increased by √2, while for signal, the gain is increased by 2. Compare with each other, the noise is reduced. We often talk about input referred noise

That's right -- in terms of thermal noise, you typically have to burn 4x the power to get a 2x improvement in SNR

lladnar23 said:
That's right -- in terms of thermal noise, you typically have to burn 4x the power to get a 2x improvement in SNR

can you please brief what you mean by that... which power r u talking about increasing to increase the SNR....

input pairs thermal noise is 4kTr/gm. so if you increase current, gm ascend. thermal noise will be reduced.

It is 4KT(2/3gm) for MOSFET.

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