Low cost pickit2 CLONE again simplified

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Newbie level 4
Mar 21, 2009
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I had posted a thread about "low cost pickit2 clone" making

after many reviews i have made it more simple. Like some thing u can make it with the controller (pic 18F2550) and some discrete components which are easily available.
No mosfets (difficult to find) not even bat 54 (schottky diode) . just few transistors and diodes.
which support programing and debugging + 5 and 3.3 V device support with protection circuitry.

You can find the full article here with schematics.

Hi Sarinsukumar

Interesting design. However, as with all simplifications, the design does imply some limitations on the original design: the PICkit2 can no longer power the target circuit, which I often find very handy as I do not need to have a separate power supply just to program a circuit. Also, R18 draws a significant amount of power from the target circuit. If it has a voltage regulator based on e.g. a 78L05 were the target circuit consumes already a significant amount of power, the extra 30-50 mA can destroy the voltage regulator.

Nice n cute PCB design. Looks like double sided one. Would you mind sharing the layouts in PDF?..Cheers

wellcome here my loving friend if you need any help let me know and thanks for registering here


Thanks for informing about the fault.
I have rectified it and posted the new schematic..

nw r18 will draw max 3mA.
I had to remove the power delivering ability to make it simple and easily constructible

Hi Sarinsukumar

I saw that you already changed the value of R18 and the surrounding resistor values. Better towards power consumption of the target circuit! But... as with all simplifications... be aware now that the target circuit should not have components that take some current (>1mA) connected to the PGD and PGC pins of the target chip while programming, as the voltage drop caused by R17/R19 and R4/R5 will than be more than 1V, and the 'high voltage' for most 5V PIC should be at least 4.0V.

Will you also provide a low voltage programming option with the PGM pin?

Excellent work!

Is R6/R17 and R7/R19 necessary? I see that you correct a little bit for the voltages that way. But it is a bit tricky with R18 which is used to correct for both the PGD and PGC voltage, which will cause different voltages to the target circuit if only one of the signals, or both signals are high. This limits further your margin of safe voltages. Maybe it would be better to omit R6/R17 and R7/R19, but double D5/R18 instead, so that PGD and PGC have a separate voltage divider circuit? This will leave you more margin to select the resistor values.

With these resistor-divider solutions, you always have to be careful with pull-up and pull-down resistors and small loads on the PGD and PGC-pins of the target circuit. A safer solution is to add an emitter-folower circuit in the outputs (like they did in the original pickit2), but then you add more components...

The original PICkit2 can't be simplified that much without sacrificing safety issues, or limiting the possibilities of the programmer. It depends in how far you want to go in simplifications...


sarinsukumar did good job but his mod has one disadvantage that it will required vcc from target shared design is much closer to orignal design and have debug fetaure for 3.3V and 5V device good thing is that single sided PCB design i also share orignal eagle design file hope friends like it.

also to Pranam77 i have uploaded all thing which required to make this nice mod


Here is my PICKIT2 version...

**broken link removed**

Simple qwestion,The chip PIC18F2550 I must programm with other programmer or with this module of pickit clone???

macobt said:
Simple qwestion,The chip PIC18F2550 I must programm with other programmer or with this module of pickit clone???
For the first time, you need to program the chip with another programmer. Once programmed, and inserted in the Board, the programmer is capable of self programming and upgrading the new versions of firmwares. Cheers

macobt said:
Simple qwestion,The chip PIC18F2550 I must programm with other programmer or with this module of pickit clone???

here is required zif socket arrangement just add switch for selection between 18 and 40 pin device


thanks too all for answers.
regards macobt


upon request from macobt here is simplified method how to program firmware first time after that all update are done inside pickit2 hardware please fallow the given link all fuse setting and programing setting are described in the PDF file .

**broken link removed**



here is some improvement added debug and better 3.3 volt device support


Hi friends
I was out for a while,
sorry for the delayed replays.
I have done this as a hobbyist project, and this never replaces the pickit2 original.
i came up with this idea because i have also tried to make the exact replica of pickit2, but the non availability of mosfets, and this bat54 is only available as smd, these things make my task too difficult. so i myself edited the circuit. then i felt that my circuit is not that much perfect.
so i created a blog and posted in the forum, i got many good suggestions and that made the circuit almost perfect, and i hv learned a lot of things from this also.
thanks for the reviews my friends,

i recently published the last update and you can have a look in to it.


expecting your reviews.

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