PIC16F73 flash is 4K words ,
i compiled my code so now code side is 1K words ,
After this i did add below lookup table:
constant unsigned int look[1024] = {0x1234, 0x2EF3, 0x3FFF,........};
and compiled it , so now code size 3K words ,
Actually 1024 nos of cont int should be = 1K words
prevoius code size =1K words
so totally =2K words should be there, but it showing 3K words [1K for prevous +2K for cont =3K].
i checked the hex file , in that they arraigned all constat as :
3412 3434 342E 34F3 343F 34FF 3476 3420
3407 3411 3428 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3407 3415 3408 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3487 3410 3450 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3487 3414 3408 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3407 3411 3450 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3407 3415 3408 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3487 3410 348C 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3487 3414 3408 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3407 3411 348C 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
3407 3415 3408 3430 34F7 3400 3476 3420
342E 3410 3431 3416 3486 341B 3451 3429
ion this first two byte 34 is commen for all actual intruction command for 34 is "retlw" ,,
ie 0x3412 is retlw 0x12 ;
like this they are using retlw for all content int , i think thats why the code size is taking double size
is ther any way reduce the size ?