Looking for some resources about DSPIC

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Aug 8, 2006
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i m final year student, my thesis is about DSPIC.
but i don,t now where to start. can any one help me?
i have started using MPLAB. but i don't have idea what project i want to do using DSPIC.
do u have
- any suggestions
- any web site can guide me(besite microchip)
i need a guide. help me. 10q.

slave spi dspic30f

If it's your first PIC you've picked a fairly advanced family. It is designed for C and not an entry level PIC. Better off trying to learn 18F or 16F PICs then moving to a dsPIC.

kalman for dspic

Buy a book about dsPIC, if you don't know enough about dsPIC you can buy an evaluation board from microchip, there is a lot of projects of Micrhochip, seek the applications notes.

dspic spi interrupt

there are lots of dspics, just pick one and start.

Re: Help me - DSPIC

This could be the best place to start learning about DSPIC :


Re: Help me - DSPIC

sivaganapathy said:
i m final year student, my thesis is about DSPIC.
but i don,t now where to start. can any one help me?
i have started using MPLAB. but i don't have idea what project i want to do using DSPIC.

You will write your thesis on dsPIC or you are looking for a final project that can use dsPIC? Usually, the approach is to decide on a project, then explore requirements, and choose a microprocessor/microcontroller/DSP accordingly..

What kind of final year student are you? I have used a range of the dsPIC chips for less demanding Kalman filters, for instance I ran a 6-state augmented extended Kalman filter with 400Hz update rate using single percision floating point calculations, and that was in addition to oversampling and digital filtering of 10 analog channels using A/D interrupt plus SPI communication using interrupt (dsPIC running as SPI slave).. ...Just to give an idea of what power these devices can deliver when pressed to the max.. They are nice devices for their use, but I really think you are starting in the wrong end of things by selecting chip before you select project, especially on a final year thesis..

I found it very easy to learn and understand dsPIC but I had PIC18 with MPLAB on school and it was very similar to dsPIC with MPLAB despite their differences...

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