Looking for software for C programming

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Junior Member level 3
Jul 29, 2004
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C software--help

Can someone up load the software about C language?..
i'm a junior in C,i want to learn C language and need some tools,
I don't know how to learn c language...
i just read some textbooks in these day..
i hope i can program actually,So..i need more suggestion and tools..
thanks ur support..

Re: C software--help

I hope I can help pointing you to the right direction. Here's my advice :
1. Before starting to code, ensure that you know what kind of application are you going to build and in which platform. For example, if you want to build a low level hardware access application in Windows (this is you target application), then your platform will be windows.

2. The target platform mentioned above will determine what kind of C compiler you are going to use. In windows, you can choose from VC++, GCC, C++ Builder, etc. Based on my experience, for low level work, VC++ is the best in windows. So, the kind of application you are going to build will determine what compiler to use. At this point, you can ask more experienced people on the subject for advices on which compiler to use.

3. Having known the compiler you are going to use, now you proceed to books that explains how to use those compiler. For example, if you are using VC++, you can start with "Progamming Windows Driver Model by Walter Oney", to start learning how to build the low level application i.e. windows driver.

4. Having done 1-3, now you can proceed installing the compiler and related tools, then start learning and experimenting.

Goodluck :sm21:

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