Looking for references about power management by voltage island technique

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Newbie level 3
Sep 14, 2010
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I have taken my phd research as power managegemt by voltage island technique but finding lost. Can anyone suggest how can I proceed with my research project.

agarwal k

Re: low power research

Could you please explain at which level (analog or digital) you will study this issue ?
Re: low power research

Could you please explain at which level (analog or digital) you will study this issue ?

I want to study the issues at circuit level (analog design).

Re: low power research

Ok I think that you have to study:
- Multi VDD Ilands SoCs
- Power monitoring
- Power gating

Re: low power research

Ok I think that you have to study:
- Multi VDD Ilands SoCs
- Power monitoring
- Power gating

Thanku sir. I have briefly done literature survey on all above topics and understood the concepts also. But I am stuck with how can I proceed with my project work. Should I work through front-end HDl programming by creating an ASIc and then proceed with making voltage Islands.

Re: low power research

You should do both HDL programing and Analog. For tools you can use Design compiler and Cadence ADE.

Re: low power research

You should do both HDL programing and Analog. For tools you can use Design compiler and Cadence ADE.

Can u suggest the type of project I should chose for this case. Can it be any ASIC approaximation. Any refrences , study material or web links.

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